Responding to Vertigo Magazine’s 2021 vol.4 theme ‘pandemonium’, this comic strip ‘Overload’ playfully and metaphorically represents the idea of inner chaos through form and visual representation. It specifically (visually) speaks of the inner chaos students face by trying to ‘keep it all together’ and just putting on smile to show everyone that you’re doing okay, when really deep down, you’re a total mess inside.
'Inside the Screen'
A concept based on the first Nintendo home console that revolutionised video gaming in the 80’s - the Nintendo
Entertainment System (NES). Through this illustrated visual narrative project, it introduces a new, speculative immersive experience of the NES using VR technology. Players develop a deeper understanding of how the console  and games work on the inside and how the game characters live inside their worlds. Players once fixated to a screen, intrigued by popular video games such as Super Mario Bros. are now able to become part of it with this VR experience, interacting with the game world like never before and gaining the perspective of the characters. This can be experienced inside a VR room disguised as a giant NES to emphasise the experience that occurs inside the          console and create excitement for anyone that is familiar with Nintendo.
'Start Giving a F*ck'
‘Start Giving a F*ck’ is a very raw, real and confronting comic, illustrated with Posca markers, that challenges the ways we think and the things we do. It contrasts different realities that aim to make people choose what world they’d rather live in and reflect on their responsibilities to help save our environments. I was inspired to make this comic through  an iterative, reflective and research-led design process that dealt with looking at climate justice and environmental issues in my local area.
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